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Weekly Sunday Meditation and Potluck Gathering, 01/31/10

Join us on Sunday, Jan 31, 2010.   Bring your family and friends. 
"We can not do great things on this earth, only small things with great love."

Mother Teresa

"What we have done for ourselves dies with us; what we have done for others remains and is immortal."

Albert Pike

"We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give"

Winston Churchill

"The value of a man resides in what he gives.."

Albert Einstein

"The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for himself."

Lao Tsu
Generosity is the mental ability of reducing self-interest.

Due to consistent practice of generosity, self-interest decreases and self-respect increases. In fact, the self-respect increases to such an extent that we eventually become selfless!

Phenomenologically speaking, generosity is non-greed, like a drop of water on a lotus leaf that does not stick to the leaf. Its main characteristic is non-clinging. It is manifested as real happiness and real wealth.

Generosity should not be understood merely as the absence of greed. It also should be understood as the opposite of greed and as the means by which we can get rid of greed, self-centeredness, and ego.

Generosity manifests as happiness as well as wealth. This statement may seem contradictory to those who think we can become wealthy only by being greedy.  Materialistically speaking, this may be true, but psychologically speaking, a greedy-wealthy man is not truly wealthy. His mind-consciousness is infested with poverty. A greedy-wealthy man hangs onto his money. He clings to it. For him, money simply becomes a number in an account book, which gives him a false sense of security and prosperity. No matter how big the number grows, real security and real prosperity never arise for him because the number itself is a cause of insecurity and fear of loss. Moreover, due to clinging to money, he becomes self-centered, corrupt, and thus poor.

No matter what, if greed is present in matters of wealth, sooner or later poverty consciousness arises and manifests as lack of self-esteem, worry, fear, corruption, cheating, lying, distrust, dishonesty, and so on. This is precisely why many greedy people have amassed considerable wealth and yet are still corrupt. When greed is present, there can never be enough.


It is best to become wealthy by being generous. In fact, this is the only way truly to become wealthy. A non-greedy wealthy man is not attached to money, therefore he develops the courage to take risks, invest, create, and expand his wealth. His non-attachment to money generates freedom for the flow of money, due to which it grows and benefits one and all. A non-greedy wealthy man becomes truly wealthy because his consciousness is imbued with courage, creativity, generosity, carefreeness, selflessness, and so on. Such a man becomes truly happy and wealthy because he reaps the fruits of generosity.
! Cost-free !
Residential Retreats

Thanks to the selfless generosity of Paul Fuess and Nya Gregor Fluron and the contribution of old students, S.R.I. is now able to offer cost-free meditation and yoga residential retreats in Larkspur, CO, a 15-20 minutes drive from CSprings and 30-45 minutes drive from Denver, CO. Limited seats available. Click here for details and sign-up. 
Help Homeless Families with Children

IHN (Interfaith Hospitality Network) is having its 13th annual  "Hearts for the Homeless" Luncheon and Auction on Sunday, February 21, 2010 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (2886 South Circle Drive, Colorado springs, 80906). Reservation deadline is Monday Feb 15, 2010. To make reservations, pl call 719-329-1244. 

Sam Adettiwar's Groundbreaking Book
Now Published!